So I thought of having an event called 'Celebrations' where I would open out my blog to some of my friends who would share some parts of their journey with me as Guest Posts......
My guest today Sanjeeta KK of Lite bite."Lite recipes for right health!"

She has easy vegetarian recipes where taste matters but health is the driving force behind all her dishes. Not to forget the wonderful pictures.
Her Baking Bites are quite a bytefull..... :) Who thought festive eating can have healthy options too... Step in Sanjeeta with Festive Bites. Checkout her Wholewheat Halwa yummy.... I want some now....

Planning for the lunchbox is a perennial thought that haunts all mothers, be it for their kids[Mine still has nightmares] or the husbands. She make it all so simple with Lunchbox Bites.
We had this interesting exchange:
Nachiketa: What's the source of this information, some study or practical experience. Would like to mention that in the article to make it more credible. Have you actually used the points you've mentioned for weight loss?
Sanjeeta:Source of information is practical experience. I am 40+ now and am glad that the points in the article did help me look and stay trim and fit.
Had me in splits... so much for sources... mummies know best, I give in.... Bow Down....
Afterall it was my mom who turned my diet around and sister insisting on exercising which helped me to Minus 17 kgs.... :)
The most true and striking thing Sanjeeta says is "Cooking is an art which comes to you only when YOU hold a ladle. A great chef is not born but is made gradually after a series of hits & trials and chaos in her/his kitchen.
Be ready to experiment, innovate and put in that extra effort to make your loved ones feel special."
A small something for the Indian readers of Sanjeeta KK.... She will select 1 lucky commenter to win complimentary vouchers of elemenation, Sector 62, Noida, for massage n Spa, Salsa or Kick-Boxing or Yoga, 50% discount of Gym membership. So be sure to leave a note at the end of this post with your location. Readers in other countries can share the same with anyone in proximity of the restaurant.
Sanjeeta KK Writes.....
First and foremost I take the opportunity to thank Nachiketa the author of this wonderful blog for inviting me here.
Blogging is that magnificent platform through which we all are connected to each other, a medium where we share our common passion for food and bound together.
Since we are connected to each other with food and cuisine, I thought of sharing my views on food and health.
Ideas, some of which make sense while some other may sound weird. But rest assured it helps me staying trim and fit.
1. Drink lots of water before eating, preferably cold water it reduces hunger.
2. Avoid eating in groups, as you tend to eat more while talking with others.
3. Stock lots of fruits and keep munching as and when you feel, will make you feel satiated and eat less.
4. Make crunchy salads with interesting dressings and nibble on it during lunch and dinnertime.
5. I like to boil fresh corn and keep munching on it the whole day. It will give you the feeling of satiation besides loads of health benefits.
6. Nuts are a good bet provided you know the limit; else you will gain extra calories.
7. Lazy & depressed mind tend to indulge in food. Keep yourself busy in some kind of activities such as gardening, stitching etc.
8. Last but not the least is to have a dream and keep chasing it. Makes you content (mind, body and stomach too).
Here is a quick and refreshing recipe for a healthy salad. I make it often and keep nibbling it as and when I am hungry.
Colorful Bell Pepper & Sprouts Salad
1 cup of Black eyed Beans
1 cup of Black Channa
Multi color Bell pepper
Salt as desired
White Pepper powder as desired
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp of Olive oil
Wash and soak the grams the whole night.
Drain the water and keep for sprouting in a muslin cloth or a sprout maker.
Take a big bowl and add both the legumes.
Add rest of the ingredients in it and mix it thoroughly.
A refreshing and healthy salad of sprouts and bell pepper is ready to snack.
Hope you enjoyed reading these tips on staying slim and the quick & healthy salad. Thanks again Nachiketa for your efforts, best wishes & congrats for your 200th mark in blog posts.
Opportunities like these help to unlock the creativity and getting closure to beautiful people and make friends. Keep up the good work.
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