Waking up to a rainy morning in spring after a dry n hot spell was just so refreshing...... A friend n I decided to go for a walk in the morning followed by breakfast at one of my favourite places...

My dadaji(granddad) and aunt also go to the park everyday regularly.... They have their own set of park-friends and dadaji even has a party with eats from Chandni Chowk..... Dadaji was surprised to see my friend n me at the park so early in the morning......

We started walking, I was painfully slow due to my injured foot but the weather, people n fab surrounding n my friend had me going :) A lady was meditating between the tall trees.... Her face looked so calm n serene.... Didn't want to disturb her.... took a long shot from far, between the tall trees... The kids were having a blast, play cricket on simultaneous pitches n enjoying themselves....

The only thing which really irks me all this beauty is the litter..... This mentality just beats me... If we won't litter in our houses, then why litter in public places.....

Moving on we go for breakfast .... So you have till the end of this post to figure out where we went.... Do leave your comments on where you initially thought we went.
Is breakfast complete without Milk n Coffee... nah...

My friend's healthy breakfast......

My spread.... pork Sausages, fried Tomato with cheese, scrambled Eggs, multi-grain Pancakes, with a side of Bacon strips.....

So let's finish the suspense n tell you where we had gone unless you've figured out all ready.... Had gone to All American Diner at India habitat Center for Breakfast... n now you also know why we were looking for alcohol... I love the Margarita's they make here... Ok back to breakfast.... We met these gentlemen there enjoying their breakfast...

These pinwheel shaped pink-n-white flowers at the Habitat Centre held my fancy for a bit... Haven't seen them before n didn't even know their name.... A google search later I found that they are called 'The Phlox Peppermint Twist'....

Love this shot at Shanti Path..... need I say more... :)

A morning really well spent....... :)
So did you figure out where we went...... or did the picture reveal it?
lovely lovely pics and i was hooked to the pink n white flower ! been a long time i left Delhi so really had no clue where u were headed to ! But the place u had the breakfast is somethg i want to check out next time I am in delhi !!
what a lovely day
Hi !!
Lovely pictures. I think the Peppermint Twist is a member of the Petunia family. Petunias grow especially well in Delhi and most of our public parks have them.
Really pretty pictures of the flowers :) And I think your breakfast looks better anyway ;) It sounds like a good morning!
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